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hydrocarbon dewpoint analyzer, hydrocarbon dew point analyzer, hydrocarbon dew point analyser, hydrocarbon dewpoint analyser, portable dew point analyzer, portable hydrocarbon analyser, dew point analyzer, portable hydrocarbon analyzer, natural gas moisture analyzer, moisture analyzer for natural gas, dew point measurement solution,


A true portable water and hydrocarbon dew point analyzer

DewPort™ is a truly portable hydrocarbon and water dew point analyzer.  It is analogous to the manual chilled-mirror, except that the human eye is replaced by a state-of-the-art infra-Red sensing  mechanism to detect the onset of the condensation and analyze the nature of the condensate.  The cooling system in a manual system needs compressed gas, but it has been replaced with electronic cooling in DewPort™.

DewPort™ provides a first-princple chilled mirror measurement that is the standard for such measurement and complies with ASTM D1142, ISO 6327, and ISO/TR 11150

DewPort™ Around the World-5.jpg


  • Easy to Use

  • Advanced CEIRS™ Technology

  • First-Principle Chilled-Mirror Method

  • Measures Both Water and Hydrocarbon Dew Points Using the Same Sensor

  • Industry-Leading 70 ℃ Cooling Range

  • State-of-the-Art Cooling System

  • Mirror Immune to Degradation and Contamination

  • Only 7 Kg

  • Data Logging and Extended History


  • Replaces the Manual Chilled-Mirrors

  • Measure Hydrocarbon and Water dew Point, and Water Content in One Easy to Use Instrument

  • Unsurpassed Accuracy and Reliability

  • Unambiguous Automated Measurement

  • Very Low Maintenance

  • Very Low Operating Costs

  • Does Not Require Additional Software to be Installed

  • Low Power Consumption


"If you are still using a manual chilled-mirror, ditch it!!  This analyzer is more accurate, easier to operate and more robust.  No more lugging around refrigerants or guessing whether or not I see the dew point."

“Cool technology, a life saver."

"It is now a must have in my truck.  I use it to check the moisture reading of all other analyzers with this one""
"The measurement are faster and automatic.  I don't have to stand under the sun for hours"
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